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Autocreation of Entities in Harness

Autocreation is a feature that allows you to automatically create entities in Harness when files are added remotely.


Currently this feature is behind the feature flag PIE_GITX_AUTOCREATION. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

Pre-requisites of Autocreation

  • Register the webhook for your repository where you are adding your files remotely. The scope of the webhook should match the entity it's trying to create. For example, a project-level webhook can only create entities within the same project, whereas an account-level webhook can create entities across multiple projects and the organizations.
  • Added files should follow a specific file path convention based on the entity type.

Files that are added only in the default branch(main, master etc) of the Git Repo are autocreated.

File Path Convention

We need to follow a specific file convention for each entity for auto-creation. This is required to infer the scope of the entity as well as type of entity from the filepath.


Files under .harness folder are only used for auto-creation as of now. Therefore, to create files automatically via remote, all file paths must begin with .harness. Webhooks will, by default, track the .harness folder.

We will discuss the file path convention for each entity with an example:-


The file path name of the entity YAML can be anything, as the name and identifier of the entity are picked up from the YAML itself that you are pushing to your Git repository. If the name and identifier are not provided in the YAML, then the file name will be used as the name and identifier.


File path for storing your pipelines should follow the following naming convention:


  • Folder name should be pipelines.

For example :- .harness/orgs/test_org/projects/test_project/pipelines/demo_autocreation_pipeline.yaml

  • Organization directory: orgs
  • Organization identifier: test_org
  • Projects directory: projects
  • Project identifier: test_project
  • Pipelines directory: pipelines
  • Pipeline File Path name: demo_autocreation_pipeline

Input Sets

File path for storing your input set should follow the following naming convention:


  • Folder name should be input_sets.

Input sets belonging to a pipeline will reside in the directory of pipeline identifier.

For example :- .harness/orgs/test_org/projects/test_project/pipelines/demo_autocreation_pipeline/input_sets/demo_autocreation_inputSet.yaml

  • Organizations directory: orgs
  • Organization identifier: test_org
  • Projects directory: projects
  • Project identifier: test_project
  • Pipelines directory: pipelines
  • Pipeline identifier: demo_autocreation_pipeline
  • Input sets directory: input_sets
  • Input Set File Path name: demo_autocreation_inputSet


  1. Account Level

File path for storing template at Account level should follow the following naming convention:


  • Folder name should be templates.
  • All version labels belonging to a template will reside in the directory of template identifier.

For example:- .harness/templates/test_template/v1.yaml

  • Templates directory: templates
  • Template identifier: test_template
  • Version label/Version File Path name: v1
  1. Organization Level

File path for storing template at Organization level should follow the following naming convention:


For example:- .harness/orgs/test_org/templates/test_template/v1.yaml

  • Organizations directory: orgs
  • Organization identifier: test_org
  • Templates directory: templates
  • Template identifier: test_org
  • Version label/Version File Path name: v1
  1. Project Level

File path for storing template at Project level should follow the following naming convention:


For example:- .harness/orgs/test_org/projects/test_project/templates/template_autocreation_project_level/v1.yaml

  • Organizations directory: orgs
  • Organization identifier: test_org
  • Projects directory: projects
  • Project identifier: test_project
  • Templates directory: templates
  • Template identifier: template_autocreation_project_level
  • Version label: v1


  1. Account Level

File path for storing Services at Account level should follow the following naming convention:


  • Folder name should be services.

For example:- .harness/services/service_deploy_nginx_account.yaml

  • Services directory: services
  • Service File Path Name: service_deploy_nginx_account
  1. Organization Level

File path for storing services at Organization level should follow the following naming convention:


For example:- .harness/orgs/test_org/services/service_deploy_nginx_org.yaml

  • Organizations directory: orgs
  • Organization identifier: test_org
  • Services directory: services
  • Service File Path Name: service_deploy_nginx_org
  1. Project Level

File path for storing services at Project level should follow the following naming convention:


  • folder name should be services.

For example:- .harness/orgs/test_org/projects/test_project/services/service_deploy_nginx_project.yaml

  • Organizations directory: orgs
  • Organization identifier: test_org
  • Projects directory: projects
  • Project identifier: test_project
  • Services directory: services
  • Service File Path Name: service_deploy_nginx_project


  1. Account Level

File path for storing Environment at Account level should follow the following naming convention:


  • Folder name should be envs.

For example:- .harness/envs/Pre_Prod_qa.yaml

  • Environments directory: envs
  • Environment File Path name: Pre_Prod_qa
  1. Organization Level

File path for storing Environment at Organization level should follow the following naming convention:


For example:- .harness/orgs/test_org/envs/Pre_Prod_qa_org.yaml

  • Organizations directory: orgs
  • Organization identifier: test_org
  • Environments directory: envs
  • Environment File Path name: Pre_Prod_qa_org
  1. Project Level

File path for storing Environment at Project level should follow the following naming convention:


For example:- .harness/orgs/test_org/projects/test_project/envs/Pre_Prod_qa_project_level.yaml

  • Organizations directory: orgs
  • Organization identifier: test_org
  • Projects directory: projects
  • Project identifier: test_project
  • Environments directory: envs
  • Environment File Path name: Pre_Prod_qa_project_level


  1. Account Level

File path for storing Infrastructure at Account level should follow the following naming convention:


  • All infrastructures belonging to an environment will reside in the directory of environment identifier.
  • Folder name should be infras

For example:- .harness/envs/Pre_Prod_qa/infras/infra_account_level.yaml

  • Environments directory: envs
  • Environment identifier: Pre_Prod_qa
  • Infrastructure directory: infras
  • Infrastructure File Path name: infra_account_level
  1. Project Level

File path for storing Infrastructure at Project level should follow the following naming convention:


For example:- .harness/orgs/test_org/projects/test_project/envs/Pre_Prod_qa_project_level/infras/infra_project_level.yaml

  • Organization directory: orgs
  • Organization identifier: test_org
  • Projects directory: projects
  • Project identifier: test_project
  • Environments directory: envs
  • Environment identifier: Pre_Prod_qa_project_level
  • Infrastructure directory: infras
  • Infrastructure File Path name: infra_project_level

Creation of Entities

Since we have discussed the file path conventions for each entities let's see how to create entities with help of autocreation. We are going to discuss creation of Pipeline and Input set in these examples, similar approach can be followed for creating other entities like Services, Environments, Templates and Infrastructure.

You can refer to YAML schema for creating Harness entities via YAML.


In this example, we are going to follow the same names that we have discussed while discussing file path examples of different entities.

Let's create a pipeline under organization default and project Krishika_test_autocreation.

We have our pipeline yaml stored under pipeline directory :-


Let's consider this example yaml that we are going to put under demo_autocreation_pipeline.yaml:

name: demo_autocreation_pipeline
identifier: demo_autocreation_pipeline
projectIdentifier: Krishika_test_autocreation
orgIdentifier: default
tags: {}
- stage:
name: custom
identifier: custom
description: ""
type: Custom
- step:
type: ShellScript
name: ShellScript_1
identifier: ShellScript_1
shell: Bash
executionTarget: {}
type: Inline
script: |
echo "the value is:$input_variable"
environmentVariables: []
outputVariables: []
timeout: 10m
tags: {}
- name: input_variable
type: String
description: ""
required: false
value: <+input>

After saving this YAML file, we will push it to our Git repository, for which we have registered the webhook in Harness. We can then view this event on our Webhook Events page.

git add .harness/orgs/default/projects/Krishika_test_autocreation/pipelines/demo_autocreation_pipeline.yaml
git commit -m "Add pipeline yaml"
git push

After pushing the changes, pipeline named as demo_autocreation_pipeline is created in Organization default under the Project Krishika_test_autocreation .

Input Sets

Let's create an Input set that we are going to use inside our Pipeline demo_autocreation_pipeline.

We have our input set YAML stored under the directory of the pipeline identifier demo_autocreation_pipeline, specifically under the input_sets directory :


Let's consider this example yaml that we are going to put under demo_autocreation_inputSet.yaml:

name: input_set
tags: {}
identifier: input_set
orgIdentifier: default
projectIdentifier: Krishika_test_autocreation
identifier: demo_autocreation_pipeline
- name: input_variable
type: String
value: hello

After saving this YAML file, we will push it to our Git repository, for which we have registered the webhook in Harness. We can then view this event on our Webhook Events page.

git add .harness/orgs/default/projects/Krishika_test_autocreation/pipelines/demo_autocreation_pipeline/demo_autocreation_inputSet.yaml
git commit -m "Add input set yaml"
git push

After pushing the changes, we will see that Input set named as input_set is created for the pipeline demo_autocreation_pipeline.


Harness RBAC is not applicable in Autocreation. The scope of the webhook should match the entity it's trying to create. For example, a project-level webhook can only create entities within the same project, whereas an account-level webhook can create entities across multiple projects and the organizations. If you are able to push to the default branch, you will be able to create the entity in Harness.